This email is being sent to the administrators of all active Dagorhir chapters:
Dear Dagorhir Chapter Administrators
The elected Arbiter has resigned from her position after posting an inappropriate and unprofessional rant, leaving our organization with this critical position unfilled weeks before Arbiter elections at Ragnarok.
I propose delegating Bob Heintel/Armory to serve as the Interim Arbiter until new candidates for Arbiter can be nominated, vetted, and voted on at Ragnarok.
Please reply to this email with your vote stating whether you agree with this proposal. Be sure to include your mundane name, position, and chapter name (one vote per chapter). If you disagree with the proposal, please state why you disagree, and how you would propose to address the situation.
Bob/Armory already passed the required background investigation and the Ragnarok War Council (RWC) agreed to have him serve as the previous Arbiter’s back-up at last Ragnarok. The normal schedule for Arbiter elections at Ragnarok would choose the next Arbiter on June 20, less than one month from today.
Per the DBGA bylaws and the Arbiter chapter contract, if an Arbiter is removed from office, “a new election must occur ASAP.” The bylaws also state that the president’s authority includes “Delegating authority”. This proposal addresses both those items.
Thanks for your time and consideration in this matter.
David Vierling/Graymael
President, DBGA, Inc.