First, download the dagorhir chapter contract

A Dagorhir “Chapter” is a collection of people in a geographic area who hold and participate in Dagorhir events. A Chapter may have any number of Dagorhir participants.  Some Chapters have hundreds of warriors.  New Chapters may just be a handful of friends.  A “Unit” is a sub-group within a Chapter who fight together because of friendship, shared interests, common character goals/history, or other reasons. Units typically have a minimum of four or five active members.

1. Contract

The first steps on your way to becoming a Dagorhir chapter, is the Chapter Contract.

Download, and carefully read the Dagorhir Chapter Contract.  It outlines the benefits and responsibilities, and DBGA’s responsibilities to you. An approved chapter contract is required to legitimately license “Dagorhir,” use Dagorhir rules, and receive advertising here for your Chapter and events.

2. Mail it in

A message is only as good as the carrier pidgeon that delivers it.

Send your name, e-mail address, location, with two signed and notarized copies of the Dagorhir Chapter Contract and a self-addressed stamped envelope to:

[email protected]

3. Location

Can’t fight a battle if you don’t have a battlefield to fight on…

Establish contact addresses and phone numbers for your new Chapter.  As you spread the word, you or someone will have to act as a coordinator, organizing events, weapons-making sessions, and answering questions. At first, someone’s home phone number will suffice, along with the email addresses of key members, and hopefully a website for the Chapter

4. Recruit

Beat the drums of battle, and call your warriors to fight upon the field.

The key to founding a successful Dagorhir Chapter is recruiting members. If you are “a Chapter of One,” you have no one to fight! Start by sharing the idea of Dagorhir with all of your like-minded friends – people who read the same books, play the same games, and/or like the same movies. Team with them to form your Chapter’s first Unit