Dear Dagorhir Chapter Administrators:

Below you’ll find the updated Dagorhir Chapter Contract and supporting documentation. Please complete and return (including notarized signature) two copies of the contract (along with a self-addressed, stamped envelope) to Dagorhir, 11714 Stonington Place, Silver Spring, MD 20902.

This information is also being sent electronically to the email address of record for your chapter.

The revised Chapter Contract implements a game-wide process for banning dangerous individuals from participating in events in all chapters. We all need to work together to increase the safety of our members and participants. As the elected leaders of Dagorhir Chapters, you deserve the right to agree to the changes needed to make the game safer for all, rather than having them forced upon you unilaterally.

Implementing this Game-Wide Ban Process requires changing the responsibilities of the Dagorhir Chapters and DBGA, as you will see in the attached documents. Therefore DBGA is issuing revised Chapter Contracts for all Chapters to notarize and return, acknowledging these new responsibilities. Upon receipt of two copies of your notarized Contract, DBGA will countersign and return one copy to you via your self-addressed, stamped envelope.


As Chapters review, ratify, and return the revised Contracts, DBGA will be working to:

– Establish a secure discussion area (either closed FB group or secure Forum on the Dagorhir website) for Chapter Administrators to nominate and discuss candidates to serve as Arbiter Pro Tem until the Ragnarok War Council elects the next Arbiter (term to begin in August).
– Set up the process and timeline for secure, auditable online voting for Arbiter Pro Tem candidates (only Chapters which have ratified the revised contract will be allowed to vote).

Dave Vierling/Graymael, President, Dagorhir Battle Games Association, Inc.
